It wasn’t just a game…

We have signed the final manifesto of this edition of the WYP 2017-2019, the theme of which was: “Peace under construction: Making decisions together for a new civilization”. However, this is only the beginning!

Many of the “WYPers” affirmed, when they gave their testimonies as participants in the international session of the “Salamanca 2019 WYP”, that “we ourselves are the content of this Manifesto.” But how shall we make it happen? Now that each of us young people who have signed and worked on this document return home, how can we live it in our own environment?

In order not to run the risk that the content of the Manifesto might remain as mere lifeless words, and to answer the question “what can I do when I return to that piece of world around me?”, we have worked in commissions according to the areas in which we relate to others: friends, couple, family, coworkers, and others. Each commission has created an “operational decalogue”, a way of living the “WYP in action”, that translates the Manifesto into concrete actions and decisions: 10 questions, 10 imperatives, 10 rules, 10 lines of action. Anyone who wants to be a peace builder together with us, can live them.